Creating a website is an easy process. Follow these 4 basic steps, and you will get your site up and running in no time.
1. Register your domain name
If you already have a business going on, this might be an easier task. Try to find an available domain name, similar or the same as your company’s name. Don’t try any misspelled version of your brand because this might confuse your clients. There are plenty of TLDs. Don’t limit your search to just .com. You might find a very good option with a new one. Just pay attention to the register and the renewal fees.
If your business is new, then think about a short and memorable domain name that could become your brand. Think about keywords that are related to your business, products, or services and try different combinations. Find a great one and get it from a domain registrar.
Think about from which country the registrar is. If it is not from yours, there might be different taxes applying.
2. Find a web hosting company
The second step of creating a website is to find the right web hosting. Now ask yourself, what is the purpose of the website? Is it just your company’s web presence, or will it be an e-commerce site?
Think about how many resources you need, and it won’t be so hard to choose the right type of web hosting.
A shared web hosting is usually good for a basic site with not so many visitors.
If you want to run an online shop, it would be better to choose VPS (virtual private server). It will have dedicated resources for you that you don’t share with the rest.
There are also various cloud solutions, but you should check what exactly do they promise. For example, are there dedicated resources, or will you share everything with your neighbors?
It is also important to think about the physical location of the server. As closer it is to your potential clients, the better.
Web hosting from your country might be a good choice.
3. Prepare your content
Here you have 3 choices:
- First, do it yourself. You can think about the structure of your site – menus, categories, articles, texts, items, products, etc. Write the content following SEO rules and content structure. Find images that you can legally use for your needs.
- A variant is to use a digital agency. A company that is dedicated to creating websites and content for them. This option might be better, but it might cost a lot, so think it well.
- Hire a freelancer. There are many available writers out there that will charge a lot less than an agency, and there is a good chance it will be better quality.
Whatever you decide, you still need to be engaged in the content and work to get it right.
4. Build your website
Again the same 3 options will be in front of you:
- Do it yourself. It is fairly easy to install a content management system like WordPress. Then you can expand the functionality with extra extensions and make it pretty with a custom theme. It takes some time, but in general, most people can do it.
- Agency. You can get a complete deal of content, website building, and digital marketing together. Everything to create a website and start using it right away. Again, just think about the price and don’t get surprised at the end.
- Freelancer. There are freelancers who only create sites. If you are thinking about a custom website with unique features or designs, this option might be the best one. Find references for the person you are hiring and not blindly trust them.
So, what are you waiting for? Go and create your website today! Your clients are already waiting for it!