Shared hosting explained

Do you have a great online business in mind? You can already visualize the website, its functions, its design… Well, without a web hosting service, it won’t be possible on the Internet. 

Yes, websites are available online because they are hosted on a server. Therefore, one of the necessary steps to start your business is to choose the type of web hosting that best suits your needs and a provider. 

Why do I need web hosting?

If you are still wondering why, the reason is that a site is created from many elements: codes, themes, database, text, images, videos, etc. And for all of them to be available online as a website, they have to be stored on a server connected to the Internet.

And that’s exactly what a web hosting service means, a vendor that provides you the space you require for storing all the files that integrate your website. Once hosted, every person with an Internet connection can visit it.

What is shared hosting?

Shared hosting is the type of service in which your website will be saved in a server with many other websites. The server is not only for you. Its space and all the resources it offers (RAM, storage, processor, bandwidth…) are shared by all the websites living in it.

Providers offer different types of web hosting and a variety of plans. Based on what you choose, the resources and possibilities your website will have.

Advantages of shared hosting.

  • Cost-efficient. Sharing the server’s space and resources with other websites means sharing the cost too. In general terms, you can get this service by paying an average, 3 to 10 dollars per month for a basic plan. Initial prices can be really cheap, but always check regular prices before signing a contract. Sometimes, the initial cost can go double or higher after the first year. 
  • User-friendly. Not only to set it up but also to manage its features can be a matter of just a click. You don’t have to be a professional developer to manage it. If you are, for sure you can easily make the best out of each of its possibilities. 
  • Built-in features for easy managing the website. cPanel, DNS management, and many more tools make it easy for you.
  • Maintenance is not on you. The time and cost of technical maintenance can be harsh for some budgets. Your provider is in charge of that task. Helping you prevent and fix issues is not a minor advantage. 
  • Customer support. Most of the providers of shared hosting include basic customer support for you. Depending on the company you choose, its quality, plans, etc., support can be basic or more advanced.

Disadvantages of shared hosting.

  • Shared resources. While living with hundreds or more websites, all the technical resources will be shared. The websites can be very different between them. Some can take much more RAM or CPU, and that definitely can affect your website’s performance.
  • Security issues. Sharing also can mean sharing risks. A neighbor site can be attacked, and its disgrace can reach your website too. Once a vulnerability is broken, one, many, or everybody’s security could be compromised.
  • No root access. The service is designed for being easily used, basically through the cPanel. Customization in this sense has limits for clients. Your provider is in charge of the biggest changes the system requires, updates, maintenance, etc.  


Shared hosting is a popular, affordable, and reliable alternative. Analyze in detail the needs of your business. Then you will know if it’s or not what you need to succeed. 

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